I know it's not my blog day, but I'm super duper behind so we'll double post! :)
Well Twixters, I have crossed a threshold in the steps to my adulthood.
I have an apartment. My own apartment. That I pay rent and utilities for. And with that has come several revelations.
Now it may seem strange that at 22 I’ve still never lived in my own apartment. That can be easily explained: I lived 4 years in the dorms on campus the entire year, including summers and winter breaks, then while studying abroad, Husband and I lived in a “prepaid by tuition” apartment. Yeah, sure. It was an apartment, but I could take a 2 hour shower with all the lights on while baking cookies and the TV on in the background without blinking at the costs.
It’s a strange feeling to worry about my electricity. While growing up, I was raised to always shut the lights off, take short showers, etc. But I really didn’t care. If I forgot to turn the lights off in my room, no one really noticed.
Oh, I notice now. I practically live in the dark. I know the savings are minimal but they’re savings nonetheless.
Even further proof that I’m growing up.
The next revelation is that Husband and I own way too much shit. I mean seriously. I nearly threw out my back moving into our 2nd floor apartment. As we unpacked, we started a Goodwill Box. That box turned into 2, then 3 and we’re now at 7 and counting, on top of smaller items that have their own boxes. Thank goodness my parents are having a garage sale this weekend. Hopefully we can make some profit on all the stuff we’ve kept from college. I get so mad at myself as I look through the boxes, wondering the hell I was thinking keeping old scantrons, without the test. Or the free Victoria’s Secret dog stuff animals they gave away at Christmas probably 3 years ago.
It’s amazing the difference I feel about the sentimental value of stuff. I’m learning that the memories I have are far more important. Yes, I am still keeping some useless things, but you know what, in 5 years I can throw that away wondering why I kept that.
The apartment is so so close to being all put away. Maybe I’ll post some pictures…
Oh and Giles adores the apartment.
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