Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhogs Day

25-years ago today, my Dad asked my Mom to marry him. They’ve never been big anniversary people, but Groundhogs Day has always been a huge holiday in my family for as long as can I remember. And my mom has 25 plush groundhogs to prove it!

Mom & Dad planned their wedding in 4-months, and were married the same week as my grandparents – who will celebrate 50 years this June!

I’ve been so fortunate to have not one but two strong, committed relationships as role models in my life, and the next couple of months will be all aflutter as we get ready for a family reunion and to celebrate such major anniversaries.

When I think of spending 25-years with the same person, my mind can’t begin to comprehend it. Heck, My mind isn’t even that old!!!

How is someone supposed to be mature enough at 22 or 23 years of age to make a decision that will affect them for double their current life span? When I spent half of my life completely devoted to butterfly clips and glitter – can I REALLY be trusted with that big of a decision?

When it comes down to it, I think commitment is the ultimate Twixter problem. We don’t want to commit to a job. We don’t want to commit to an apartment. We DEFINITELY don’t want to commit to just one person. Yet, we’re in the stage of life where everyone is telling us to commit! commit! commit! All the while, we’re yelling back why? why? why?

On anniversaries like today, I’m reminded of an endless list of answers to why?

Why? because my Dad took my Mom to San Francisco this weekend, and then sat inside the Britex fabric store with her for HOURS, just because she asked.

Why? because my Mom will drive 23-hours with an infant, just so my dad can take our boat to the Lake House in the Ozarks.

Why? because even if dinner’s not made, or the house is not clean, or someone gets home way too late my Mom and Dad crawl into the same bed every night, and get up together again every morning.

Why? because 25-years ago, my Dad asked and my Mom said yes. And maybe it’s time for the Twixters to learn from other’s experience.

Happy Engagement-a-versary Mum & Daddy!


Unknown said...

That is the coolest article I've read in awhile. Your parents mean the world to me and they are, along with your grandma and grampa, an inspiration to us all. A.D.

Girl About Business said...

It is a little mind boggling at times to think of being with just one person for the rest of your life, but honestly if that person is all that they are today in 50+ years then us Twixters need to get with the program. We can't expect perfection all the time, not even sometimes. But what we can expect and hope to obtain is that that one person that we devote our heart to will do the same in return. That's how love of 25+ years is built. Not just by being forced to commit, but committing because it's the right thing for you and your heart.

Nice post :-)

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