I would consider myself a fangirl. Twilighter. Whatever you want to call it.
Urban Dictionary defines fangirl as “a rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Have been known to glomp, grope, and tackle when encountering said obsessions.”
Ok, so I guess I don’t follow Urban Dictionary’s definition. It is a bit much for me. I wouldn’t consider myself “rabid” nor have I ever groped or tackled anyone for that matter.
I would consider myself a quiet, NOT creepy fangirl. I don’t own posters of the books and films, nor have I bought any fan memorabilia. (It has been bought FOR me, but I don’t count that haha).
With that said, I’m an official Twilighter. I love the Twilight series. A lot. I’m so excited for Eclipse to come out this summer. But recently, it’s been revealed that the final book in the series, Breaking Dawn, is going to be 2 films.
Ok. Let’s be real. Breaking Dawn is the same length as all the other books. I have no idea why it needs to be two films for story purposes. I get it though, Summit wants to make 2 sets of millions of dollars on films they know people like me will see. Obviously. I’m just nervous as crap out it.
Breaking Dawn is a weird book. It’s actually my least favorite in the series. I understand why Stephenie Meyer wrote it that way. It was a big series with lots of questions that needed to be answered happily. I won’t go into in case you’re one of the 5 people in the world who hasn’t read the series.
I just get annoyed at the film industry for stretching out a pretty bare plot line filled mostly with waiting to make more money that they already are receiving. Thus proving even more why I shouldn’t produce film. I have no idea why I thought I could work in that world.
So needless to say, I'm still excited to see the film(s) on screen, but I'm nervous as hell to see it split into two films. Don't even get me started on the 3D rumors.
I completely agree with you. In fact, I love you for saying Breaking Dawn was your least favorite book. Everyone else seems to be morbidly devoted to it as one of the best. I thought it was a load of garbage.
Seriously. I was sorely disappointed with it. I understand where Stephanie Meyer was coming from....but really?
Ugh, I hadn't heard they were making two films of it yet. How can you stretch it out that much? It was my least favorite, because other than a few cool parts, the whole book was "Oh hey, we're gonna have this big huge fight! Something big is gonna happen! Here it comes! HERE IT COMES!... Nah, let's all just go home." (Which really is kinda all of the books except the first.)
They better include the pillow-biting, though!
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