Monday, February 15, 2010

Sick Day

Today I’m out of work on a sick day.

Back when I was fresh out of college, a sick day sounded like a wonderful idea. Getting paid to stay at home and be sick - AWESOME! Of course, those were the days where I operated off of the thought that if I woke up with the teeniest of headaches (regardless of last nights activities) it was totally worth it to ditch classes.

Of course, in the real world staying home sick from work doesn’t work that way. I’ll go to work coughing and sneezing and ugggghing in order not to take a sick day. Because one day sick equals about 3 days worth of catch up, and most of the time it just isn’t worth it. Of course, most of my office tends to have this same “work through the pain” mentality, which means for a couple months at the end of last year our office was an feasting ground for whatever the hip disease at the moment was.

However today there was just no way I was crawling out of bed before noon. It’s 1:00 and I’m just now stumbling out of my PJs - right into another pair.

All this to say, sorry about the shortage of posts over the last week / weekend. I promise more to come as soon as I Ahh Ahh AhhhhhCHEW! Well, you get the idea.

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