Now many covet this position, especially in this economy. I consider myself to be one of the lucky few who have a full time job right now. Even Husband only has 1.5 part time jobs. (The .5 is an on call position that he's not fully hired into yet. Long story). But needless to say, I'm fully employed 40 hours a week plus benefits.
Now you'd think this $12 an hour 40 hour a week job would allow me to pay off all my bills in a snap right? WRONG!
I just keep finding myself stuck in a rut paying off my stupidity in college. I think it should be illegal to have a credit card in college. Ok, I guess I don't. I survived my unemployed times (thus putting myself in my current situation) with credit cards. It was so exciting, opening it up, getting cool designs, acting like it was free money, TOTALLY planning on paying it off right away.
I didn't. I paid minimum and more minimum constantly. Everytime I would get some extra income, "something would come up" that I had to pay for instead. Probably the Chipotle Tuesdays or something. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Oh I see clearly now. Crystal.
Now Husband and I are budgeting out 700 every paycheck, again I say, every paycheck so we can move to Florida in 5 months. It seems unreasonable, but working full time actually allows this. (Having 2 incomes really helps as well). Which is the WEIRDEST feeling. I was used to making $350 every two weeks. Now my paychecks are over $800. I have never known what making over $1000 a month feels like. It's pret-ty nice.
So now, that I can see the amazing power of budgeting, it makes me want all of my past debt gone this instant. I want to move to Florida completely debt free. This is really not possible. There are pertinent costs that keep popping up: oil change for my car, registration for my car, medicine here, work uniforms there, that just keep adding up.
I know that it takes patience and dedication to pay off debt.
I'm just really freaking impatient.
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