Friday, March 12, 2010

The Coveted Eclipse Trailer

Now, as aforementioned, I'm a fan girl. I love the Twilight Saga. Thusly, I have been (im)patiently awaiting any sort of footage from the newest film in the series, Eclipse.

It arrived yesterday at 6 am. I tried, like a good employee, to watch it on my phone so I wouldn't get in trouble. I tried 3 times. Thank you MyTouch for claiming the video "could not be played". Bullshivic!

Now, as is blocked at my work, I studiously opened, which is not blocked and prayed it would be there. Obviously it was. And I watched.

My initial thought was.... "That's it?"

Eclipse is my favorite book in the series. I have very high expectations for this film, especially with David Slade manning the director wheel and the high standards set by New Moon. While I didn't see 30 Days of Night, I trust his vision for horror, fighting, and drama due to his previous experience.

But the trailer was angsty flashes of each character looking tormented. Seriously. Watch it again and you'll see. It jumps from Edward telling Bella about the consequences of her choices, Jacob (who has the best line EVER by the way) of saying he'll fight for Bella until her heart stops beating, the Volturi looking mean, to Bella saying she's found us.....


Now don't get me wrong. It looks beautiful. From the flashes of the meadow to the emotions on their faces, it's stunning. But this trailer was for the fangirls. It was the love triangle trailer.

Where was the fighting? Where's the fear? I just didn't feel it yet. Or see it for that matter.

I'll wait though. I know the next trailer will be more fleshed out. Some of the fight scenes are probably still being worked on digitally anyway. Notice how little CG was in the trailer. Yup. They're waiting.

Which is fine. I guess...



Barbara said...

I still haven't seen New Moon. :(

Ella Unread said...

I'm about to watch but before I do, I just want to say I expect this movie to be a lot about Jasper (I loooove Jasper :$) because he is the key of Eclipse!

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